Authentic & Affordable Moroccan Food in Ouarzazate


Our stay in Ouarzazate was short and sweet, but we couldn’t leave this amazing place without trying some authentic food first. We stayed the night in a 1-star hotel called “Hotel Riad Amlal”, and conveniently enough, they had a great deal for dinner at their own restaurant. For a starter, main, drink, and dessert, we only paid 80 Dirhams each, which converts to about £7 per person. What a bargain! We wish we could enjoy food of this quality for the same price in London…

Before the starter came, we were pleasantly surprised when the waiter brought some bread and olives to the table. Because after spending as little as 80 Dirhams, we didn't think we would get even more food. The Moroccan olives are an absolute must-try for olive lovers. Carol, for one, pretty much ate all of the black olives by herself. But we have to warn you, they are extremely salty. However, if you combine the olives with the bread like a kind of paste, it is incredible!

For the starter, Max had a Moroccan salad and a Moroccan soup. Yes, he did have two starters because Carol is very picky with food, so the options on the menu did not spark too much interest for her (which you will be able to see by the lack of authenticity in her chosen main). But back to the food, the Moroccan salad and soup were very good in flavour, though Max didn’t think there was anything too outstanding about them. However, once he added some salt to the soup, the flavours came alive.

On to the mains, Carol panicked when she saw the options on the menu, so to play it safe, she went with pasta and kofta, which she thoroughly enjoyed. The kofta had a bunch of unique spices, so that was a taste of authentic Moroccan food. The pasta was just like any other pasta, but overall, it was a great combo and very filling. The amount of pasta she had on her plate could feed two people. The highlight of the night was, of course, Max’s beef tajine. The beef was extremely tender, and all the flavours from this dish felt authentic. All we wished for was that there was more… It reminded Carol of “Carne de Panela” which she would eat very often back in Brazil. Poor Max couldn’t even enjoy his tajine without Carol constantly dipping her bread into the sauce. If you are visiting Ouarzazate, we must recommend you go to Hotel Riad Amlal for the best tajine we’ve tried!

Finally, for dessert, this was probably the healthiest dessert choice we’ve ever come across—no chocolate cake, mousse, or flan… We had fruits! Carol went with the fruits of the day (banana, watermelon, and melon), which were incredibly fresh and sweet. As soon as you see a watermelon on your plate, you wonder if it will be really watery, but this one was the opposite. The extremely aesthetic fruit salad was Max’s choice for dessert. He loved the combination of the sour yoghurt with the sweetness of the fruits and orange juice at the bottom of the cup. Such simple desserts but so rich in flavour.

To top off our experience, the staff here were super friendly. Not only was the food absolutely amazing, but the service was so efficient that the timing between each dish was perfect. Overall, a must-visit restaurant to enjoy extremely affordable and delicious authentic Moroccan food.

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